Our baby girl hasn't been one of those chill babies. We were given a Kick Count Card to fill out daily. We are supposed to track the time it takes Evelyn to kick 10 times, the goal being that this take no longer than 2 hours. If so, we are supposed to call into a hotline. The options start at 10 mins and go up in 10-15 min increments from there. Ninety percent of the time, Evelyn gives me her kicks in bursts that won't even make it to the first 10 min marker.
I'm not complaining by any means! I love this reassurance that she is happily moving and grooving in there. Even if some of those moves have made me jump, wince, or even cry out in pain or just surprise. What I am complaining about is that for some reason whenever Mark goes to feel his baby girl trying to kung fu her way out of me, she immediately quiets down...that is until the second he removes his hand and looks away. *Grumble*
Well, today was a milestone in two ways. The first - I got Mark to leave the house to go buy one of my cravings!! It was chips ahoy chocolate chip cookies in case you were curious. This is a big one as until this point, my cravings have come at odd hours of the night and for very odd things that just aren't available right then, so he's gotten out of one of the quintessential roles of the husband to the crazy pregnant woman.
The second milestone is that due to said cookie craving, and my devouring way too many, little Evelyn is on a very big squirming, kicking, and punching spree. This means that Mark has finally gotten to feel how strong our little one is getting! And see that I'm not crazily overreacting to her 'love taps'. His face was somewhere between amazement and creeped out. Amazed that this is his little girl in there rolling under his hand and punching him, and creeped out because all he can think of is that scene in Aliens, lol!
I swear, I am falling in love with him more and more with each new step in this pregnancy! I can't wait until our baby girl makes her arrival and to see how he interacts with her for real. Soon soon!!