Friday, November 29, 2013

Reaching the Finish Line

I am officially full term, 38 weeks to be exact!

I was technically full term last week but as you can see by my lack of posts I haven't been too diligent about updating things on here. I know things will only be getting crazier in our lives very soon so I wanted to take the time to give a recap of what's been going on since the last time. One last (maybe) post before we have a new little one stealing all of our attentions!

So what's been going on in the lives of the Gibbs? Well, at the end of October I had some awesome friends of mine here in California throw me a great shower! It was a High Tea theme, complete with tea, cakes, and finger foods. Such a cute and novel idea! They put so much work into it and it came out perfectly. Here are a few shots of the day below. Oh! And you may notice some non-Cali folks in attendance. My mom flew in from Ohio and my aunt from Georgia for the weekend fun. Aren't they great?

All the yummy goodies
Belly rubs! Evelyn was not showing off and kicking for anyone, lol!
Here are most of the guests. Some had to leave before we got to photo time, and the boys showed up and the end to help clean so we let them stand in too :)
All but one of my lovely hosts! These ladies can put together a great shower!
The out of town VIPs! Thanks for coming Mom and Autumn!
I meant to write a longer recap of the shower but the 'fun' of the 3rd trimester caught up to me and I fell far behind with my updating intentions. What is this 'fun' you ask? Well let me tell you.
  • The swelling officially kicked in. It started with just removing my rings to wear on my necklace, but I've started sporting some awesome cankles too! Joy.
  • There is also the hip, back, everything aches and pains. Forget gracefully getting out of the bed for my nth run of the night to the bathroom. Poor Mark's gotten used to me waking him up every time I even try to roll over. 
  • Mostly it's the twice a week NST (non-stress test) appointments which began shortly after the shower that have really sucked my time and energy. These appointments can last 25-60+ mins depending on how cooperative baby girl wants to be. They basically just want to listen to her heart rate and make sure she's active enough in there. Most times she never stops being active, but this little diva I swear can tell when the monitor's on because she immediately decides nap it should be time. Le sigh.
  • But there has also been some real fun of course - the nursery is ALL FINISHED. The house is as ready as it can be for Evelyn to arrive!
As I said up top, we are near the finish line! All birth classes are done. Mark and I are as prepped for this natural (read as med free) birth as we can possibly be. Now all we need is this little one to make her entrance into the world!! Every twitch and tingle has me wondering if this is it, the beginning of labor. Lol! I'm positive I'll know once it is the real thing. Now it is just the waiting game. 

Coming up...Grammy and Papa (or Papa-G, or just 'G' he hasn't chosen yet) arrive next week to (hopefully) meet their granddaughter! They'll be here for a few weeks so as long as she doesn't decide to stay in there until christmas they should have plenty of time to visit with her before heading home. 

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers! Not just that she comes before my parents have to leave, but that everything goes smoothly as our baby girl comes into the world <3