Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Rough mornings

Des says, 'That was one rough morning, better make that boob a double.'

Last night someone decided to want feedings every 2-3 hours, but that was alright because he slept 4 hrs in the last stretch til morning so momma was alright. He even gave me a few smiles when I got him ready to eat. That, my dear family, should've been my first tip off of what was to come.

Not five seconds after he began eating, I heard the familiar sounds of him making room for breakfast with an explosive poo. I wasn't worried, it was normal. Well I wasn't worried until I moved my hand to readjust my hold on him and felt slimy goo all up his back through his sleeper and, of course, all down my pjs too.

I got up to check out the damage in the bathroom mirror. Oh so much worse than I thought! There was no where I could hold him besides his feet that would avoid the poo-splosion. I called for Mark to come help, but there was no answer. Duh! He was already at work, missing out on all this fun ::)

Oh mind you this entire time Des was still hooked on eating away.

I go to the nursery and, with my toes bc my hands are covered in poo, grabbed the last blue hazmat bed liner we nicked from the hospital. You know the ones they have you sit on after your water breaks to save the bedding from getting wet? Yeah well we took a bunch as I figured they'd make great disposable liners for the changing table (read as less laundry). But I digress. I took that liner and wrapped up Des in it so the poo wouldn't continue to get everywhere. And no, he didn't relinquish the boob for a second to help me out here.

Once he was finally done, I said eff it and decided the only solution was for both of us to get in shower. Since he was wrapped in the blue liner I could put him down to get his poo saturated clothes and diaper off. Then we got in the shower. I was expecting the wails. I prepared for them. He is all smiles and cooing faces. Guess he likes shower time better than bath time!

Both of us now poo free, I turn the water off .... aaaand there go the wails!! The kid does not like to be chilled for a second!! So after the drying, lotioning, diapering, dressing, hair brushing, and of course more feeding, little Des-monster is now fast asleep again while momma has to wash some clothes in the tub before the orange poo stains set in to both of our favorite pjs. (The ducky sleeper!! Say it isn't so!!) 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

One Month Already!

I can't believe we've already made it to one month! And we haven't broken the baby, lol! Sorry the posts have been ... well none, but we have been having quite a time getting used to our new little one.  He's a bit of a crier and colicky, so I'm not really sure where the days go with trying to calm him, but they do seem to be flying by. I'm told by 3 months this cry cage should be over. One down, two to go! We totally got this - yaaaawwwwwwn!

Thank God for visiting family help too! Honestly, I don't think I could have made it to one month without them. You are awesome Grands and Tita Maya!

Aside from the fact that Desmond dear is somewhat colicky, here are some highlights of what we've learned about our little man since we brought him home.

Our nights are still rather sleepless, but we are getting closer to more 4-6 hour stretches than not. Mark comes home from work ready to grab Desmond and make up for his time away and it couldn't melt my heart more. 

Oh, and most of the Evelyn pink and ruffly has been changed out for more appropriate boy colors and themes :) Thanks to everyone who helped with care packs!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Desmond Lewis Gibbs Makes His Debut

I know some people like to hear birth stories, or at least I couldn't get enough of them as I got closer and closer to my due date, so I wanted I would share mine. It's taken a few weeks to get posted I know, but we've been having so much fun (lack of sleep) getting to know our new little one that I've gotten behind in updating. Without further ado - Desmond's birth story!


We arrived at the hospital at 8am Sun the 15th for the induction as there was concern regarding the baby’s heart rate. They got me settled in and started an NST (non-stress test) to see how baby was doing. This is where monitors are attached to my belly to monitor things inside. Turns out we failed it twice in the time they had us hooked up and had we waited until our regular NST scheduled for the next day, we would have been sent over for the induction anyway. This made me feel so much more comfortable with the decision to be induced!

I came in at 4cm/75% effaced. They started me on Pitocin and I labored like that with the pain at a very low level for pretty much all freaking day. I felt the contractions but they were completely manageable, even with the Pit on its max. The worst part at this point was my STARVING since I hadn’t eaten since 7am. Around 7:30pm they checked me and saw I still hadn’t progressed passed 4cm, even though I was 100% effaced at this point, so they broke my water.

That turned into a shit storm that is a bit of a blur. They didn’t turn down the Pit when they broke my water, but my body kicked into its own labor efforts when they did, so this resulted in a 15min long constant contraction that baby realllly didn’t like. They shut down the Pit, gave me a shot of something (terbutaline?) that relaxed my uterus to stop the contraction, but it gave me the worst shakes! Once it wore off my body kicked into gear with some insanely painful contractions! Mark helped me through them sans pain meds until 10:30pm or so when they came to check me again. I thought after all that for sure I’d be close, but no…4cm STILL. I broke down crying and got the epidural.

At first the epi didn’t work, my muscles were numbed but my nerves were not and I was barely handling each contraction. The anesthesiologist finally topped me off with something after Mark told him that the dentist has to give me 3x the lidocaine to numb me fully (epidurals are in the same medication type family). It finally started working around midnight and I slept for about 15 mins, although it felt like 3 hrs. I woke up and told them it was hurting around my hip in about a fist size spot so they checked me again and I’d gone to 9 cm!! I went into transition pretty fast after that as the baby dropped into my pelvis.

Next thing I know I was pushing, and about 1.5 hrs later they were raising the baby up for us to see. Mark says that there was a moment of silence, then I just said what everyone was thinking “That’s a boy!” We had a 6lb 6oz, 20.5in bundle of cuteness!!

As for choosing a name with this surprise sex switch, it was really easy to decide. We’d had it down to 2 boy names, one that he loved and one I did, before we were told the sex was a girl. When he came out he just looked like a Desmond (Mark’s pick), not a Daniel (my pick), so easy peasy!